Hiel offers NAET and Acupuncture
NAET is a modality which uses homeopathy, muscle testing and acupuncture. While NAET stands for Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique, it treats much more than just allergies! An allergy is seen as anything taking your body out of balance, so possibly food allergies, chemical sensitivities, the environment, or emotions. NAET rebuilds gut health which is the basis of all health. It reharmonizes every cell in your body to recreate long standing balance.
NAET is a series of treatments, typically 16 or more, to help ensure that the body stays in balance for years to come. NAET does eliminate the allergen and your blood work will prove it! Many case studies show that NAET’s treatments last upwards of 50 years.
Acupuncture is offered during these treatments on the standard points. If you prefer acupressure that will be honored as well!
This is a time-tested medicine that continues to prove its purpose! Acupuncture is known to release neurochemicals such as endorphins and dopamine to help relax the body and mind allowing your body to heal itself.
Acupuncture can treat any ailment whether acute or chronic. So whether there is pain, digestive issues, infertility, or mental health imbalances acupuncture can help! Each condition and scenario will depend on how many treatments are needed and how often.