Vitamin C Mix: A Meal Guide During NAET

This is typically the 4th item being treated in NAET sequence of completing “The Basics”. Vitamin C is an important nutrient to be able to absorb and metabolize properly since it helps with many functions in the body. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant and regenerates other antioxidants which boosts the immune system! It helps produce white blood cells which fight illnesses and infections. Vitamin C enhances how non-heme iron is absorbed in the intestines as well. It also plays a key role in the synthesis of collagen which supports healthy skin, bones, teeth and blood vessels.

Remember with NAET the avoidance periods are for 25 hours and include non-food items as well. So be sure to avoid soaps and cleaners that are scented with citrus! Also be aware that the vitamin C mix includes items like citric acid which is used as a preservative in many foods! Please be sure to read labels to ensure there is 2% or less of the daily value of Vitamin C.


  • Scrambled Eggs (2 large eggs)

  • Turkey Bacon (2 slices)

  • Whole Grain Toast (1 slice)

  • Butter (1 teaspoon)

  • Black Coffee or Herbal Tea (unsweetened)


  • Grilled Chicken Breast (4 ounces)

  • Quinoa (1/2 cup)

  • Steamed White Rice (1/2 cup)

  • Water or unsweetened herbal tea


  • Plain Greek Yogurt (1/2 cup)

  • Almonds (1 ounce)


  • Baked Cod (4 ounces)

  • Lentils (1/2 cup)

  • Steamed Cauliflower (1/2 cup)

  • Water or unsweetened herbal tea

Dessert (optional):

  • Dark Chocolate Square


Opening the Lymphatic Pathways


Calcium Mix: A Meal Guide During NAET